Supervisor: Joe Panza
Full time building maintenance Custer:
Ray Caudy
Michael Sellevold
Mason Martinez
Part time maintenance Hermosa:
Roberta Upton
Building maintenance telephone numbers:
Supervisor’s cell: 605-440-0472
Office: 605-673-8117
Fax: 605-673-8150
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Custer Co. Building & Grounds Maintenance
420 Mount Rushmore Road
Custer, SD 57730
Our mission is to maintain and clean Custer County property at the highest level possible with time allowed.
Department description and function:
The building and grounds maintenance departments purpose is to provide cleaning and maintenance of all county buildings. These are Custer Co. Courthouse, Custer Co. Annex, Custer Co. Shop, Custer Co. Weed & Pest, Hermosa Library, and Hermosa Shop. We are also responsible for the grounds maintenance at the above locations plus Hermosa and Buffalo Gap Shops, also for the care of and maintenance for the Hazelrodt picnic area.